剣道指導の心構え 剣窓(平成20年2月号)」(日本語) "The Mindset of Kendo Instruction" and its explanation 「劍道指導的心態」及其解釋 Sam Tsai 中譯 Photo Credit: Rhone Yang The Significance of the Shinai - 竹劍的意義 For the correct transmission and development of Kendo, efforts should be made to teach the correct way of handling the shinai in accordance with the principles of the sword . 為了讓劍道可以正確地傳播與發展,在教學上應從「劍的原理」出發,致力於傳授正確的持刀方法。 Kendo is a way where the individual cultivates one’s mind (the self) by aiming for shin-ki-ryoku-itchi (unification of mind, spirit and technique) utilizing the shinai. The “shinai-sword” should be not only directed at one’s opponent but also at the self. Thus, the primary aim of instruction is to encourage the unification of mind, body and shinai through training in this discipline. 劍道是一種利用竹劍來陶冶心性(自我)的方式,以「心氣力一致」(心、精神和技術的統合)為修練目標。 手中的「竹劍」 不僅要朝向對手,也應該 朝向自己 。 因此,教學的主要目標是透過劍道的學習與訓練,來促進心、身與竹劍三者的統合。 Reiho - Etiquette - 禮法 When instructing, emphasis should be placed on etiquette to encourage re...
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