底下是我於 2009 年 12 月時在雅虎奇摩部落格裡寫的文章,前兩天,透過臉書的回憶連結浮現出來,引起一些討論。
謝謝 文武堂陳泰成館長 當初引薦我與 小澤博先生 認識,並獲得他「我以外,皆我師」的親筆簽名。也謝謝陳館長在臉書上回應了這篇舊文。
最後還要謝謝遠在美國的 David Pan 將此文譯為英文,方便我與道館學生或其他外國劍友分享此文。我也很欣賞 David 提出「試劍者」與「練劍者」的差別,言簡意賅!
Is the kendo sensei from Japan “strong”?
Every time we get a visiting sensei from Japan, we inevitably get the question, “Is the sensei strong?”
Naturally, it was no different when Ozawa Sensei came to visit us this time.
There’s a simple perspective I would like to share regarding this matter: “sensei” and “senshu (active competitor)” are not the same thing.
When you practice with a “senshu” (someone who is actively training to compete), perhaps it makes sense to treat the practice like a shiai where you win or lose.
But when you practice with a sensei, the focus should really be on what you can learn from the experience be it during or after the practice.
Of course, for some of the more senior practitioners, during their practice with the kodansha sensei, there can be elements of “gokaku geiko”. That would naturally be based on the difference in skill and experience.
In kendo, the two major elements are shinsa and shiai.
升段,是 criteria check,只要學會某些知識、技巧之後,就可以具有某個段位;這是個「最低門檻」,只要「及格」即可,並不要求「高分」。
Shinsa is like a criteria check. If you meet the bar for a certain amount of knowledge and skill, you can possess the associated rank with those requirements. It is about meeting minimum requirements, not necessarily exceeding the bar.
比賽,是 performances check,要跟對手比速度、肌力、謀略、技巧的純熟度等;偏向於競賽二者之間的「相對」強度。
Shiai, on the other hand, is a performance check. You are competing against your opponent on speed, conditioning, strategy, and technical proficiency. This is more about the relative strength and weaknesses between the two players.
Thus, it would be a real shame if your goals in practicing with the sensei are something along the lines of “being able to hit the sensei” or “beating the sensei”.
The purpose of the sensei should not just be helping the student “win trophies”, it should be about helping the student do proper kendo well.
As time got closer to his visit, people would ask me if Ozawa Sensei is strong.
It is honestly a bad question and it is very hard for me to answer this kind of True/False question.
因為,從他身上,我再次看到「端正體態、充足氣勢、有效打擊」的示範,也看到他優美的移位身形,更重要的是,我還看著他以「我以外皆我師」自勉與勉人 ... ...
In my mind, the more important thing is that I see from him not only the demonstration of “proper posture, abundant spirit, and valid striking”, I also see his beautiful tai-sabaki and more importantly the attitude of of “wareigai minagawashi” (everyone but me is my teacher) through which he encourage himself and others to grow.
Thus, the real question is, “Are you trying to beat others with the sword, or are you trying to beat yourself with the sword?”
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文武堂 陳泰成館長回覆:
Replies from the thread:
When practicing with Ozawa Sensei, I feel like it would be possible for me to “touch him” at least if I compromise my posture and strike more often in a manner almost like kakari-geiko. However, even if I can touch him in this manner, does that mean I’m good?
What I want is Ippon. Even though I am being destroy by him, I am learning where I am insufficient as well.
I need to improve be it in mind/spirit, technique, or body.
If I have clarity on what kind of strikes I can make while being pressured by Ozawa Sensei in practice, then I know what I need to work on.
More than a decade ago, I remember watching Ozawa Sensei being dominated by a hachidan hanshi. However, what I saw was not one sided. Not only was there a conversation back and forth in the exchange, a lot of his strikes were only missing by a little bit with excellent timing. Bear in mind this was a hachidan hanshi that won the hachidan tournament that he was facing.