Parents-Daughter Family Team
Inoue Hai 2017
感謝奧克蘭劍道館(Auckland Kendo Club)主辦井上範士的紀念盃(Inoue Hai Invitational International Tournament),採不限段位、性別與三人一隊的賽制,讓我們一家三口得以「同隊」參賽! :-)
Waikato Kendo Team
North Island Kendo Championship 2017
賽後,紐西蘭國家隊的女子教練 Lytollis Sensei 幫我們寫了底下這封信給報社,因而讓我們受到採訪,而上了報紙(相信許多好友都已經從臉書上看到了)。
North Island Kendo Championship & Inoue Hai
Auckland Kendo Club 5 June 2017
Waikato Kendo Fighting Family
A mother, father, daughter Kendo (Japanese fencing) fighting team from Waikato made an interesting addition to a international sword fighting event in Auckland on Queen's Birthday weekend.
Hosted by the Auckland Kendo Club day one was the annual North Island Kendo Championships and day two was the invitational international Inoue Hai tournament. The Hai included a unique team event where, regardless of age or gender, teams of three could face off against other teams. So Joyce, flanked by mum and dad fought it out against 18 other teams, with great spirit to end up in the top four teams of the event. In this event it is not uncommon to see men fight women and the youngest competitor at five, from China, had to slug it out with a six foot tall opponent.
Marleen Charng and Sam Tsai started a Kendo (Japanese fencing) club shortly after they arrived in Hamilton in 1997 at Waikato University which now boasts nearly 40 members from 4 - 62 years of age. Joyce, born in 2001 could almost hold a sword before she could walk and is showing prowess in this lesser known but highly popular Japanese martial art.
Perhaps she inherited her talent as both Marleen and Sam, have represented New Zealand at a World Kendo Championship held in Chinese Taipei in 2006. Now their 15 year old daughter has her sights set on being selected for the New Zealand Women's Squad at the same Kendo Championship, which is held only every three years, and is scheduled for Korea in 2018.
Joyce proved her talent at the North Island Championships. She took second place in the junior grade women's event in some cases beating women more than twice her age, and was one of five club members who took a silver in the club Team event.