2017 九月每週三、六,稽古紀要、心得
Some short notes for my Kendo reflection in Sep 2017.
I did not write anything on Wed 13 Sep and forgot everything now.
I relaised that I'd better to keep on writing my keiko reflection as a lesson. :-)
Some short notes for my Kendo reflection in Sep 2017.
I did not write anything on Wed 13 Sep and forgot everything now.
I relaised that I'd better to keep on writing my keiko reflection as a lesson. :-)
Keiko reflections on Wednesday 30 August
Thanks to Kai and Wen taking care of the Kyu grades.
1. The sense of engagement is important when training Kata or Bokuto Keikoho. It's one of the best opportunities to train "eyes for opportunity" and "footwork for controlling distance".
2. When striking kote, relaxing shoulders, using more wrists, and cutting toward centre are the important tips.
3. Having Keiko with wife and daughter is really enjoyable and feeling blessed! 😀
1. 劍道形或木刀練習法,對於「眼力」與「控制距離」很有助益。對練的雙方需用心認真投入,效果才會明顯。
2. 打擊小手時,肩膀放鬆、多用手腕、打向中心等,是重要的技巧。
3. 能和老婆、女兒一起稽古,實在是件很幸福的事!
Sat 02 Sep 2017
1. The most difficult part in our Kendo journey is to keep having keiko in the life time continuously and sustainedly.
2. The purpose of training in Kendo is to make us a better person but not only a better fighter, so a rich life does not only mean more money, it can also mean a more meaningful life or a life that makes more contributions.
2. The purpose of training in Kendo is to make us a better person but not only a better fighter, so a rich life does not only mean more money, it can also mean a more meaningful life or a life that makes more contributions.
Of course, money is still the most wanted thing! :-)

Wed 6 Sep 2017
1. We tried "slow motion tsuki" tonight. It helped us understand how our two arms are not balanced.
2. I am still trying to practice what Morioka Sensei has taught me to focus on: wazamae (I am not waiting. I am attacking with the preparedness to make it stunning). It's really not an easy task, but I will keep practicing it.
3. Many people got cold/flu recently. Hope you all will get wet well soon.
1. 今晚的招式練習,我們試了「慢動作刺擊」, 這讓大家充分感受到自己的雙手施力不平均,以及腰部穩定性的重要。
2. 我一直仍勉力遵循森岡先生給的「稽古の課題:待っているのでない。見事に打たせる覚悟で攻めている。」。著實不易!會繼續努力。
3. 最近很多人傷風感冒,祝大家早日康復!
Arriving home after Kendo keiko tonight,
it's grateful to be welcomed by the radiant moon!
Sat 9 Sep 2017
The purpose of Kendo training is to make us a better person through the hard training - a highly physical, mental, and spiritual demanding training. So, facing up to the challenges, dealing with the difficulties, and learning from mistakes are the basic attitude we can get from Kendo and benefit towards our life.
Many people got cold and flu. Hope you will all get well soon. 🙂
Wed 13 Sep 2017
I forgot to write reflection on Facebook and could not remember that night.
It's great that we took the photo and knew we were there.
The lesson learned is that I need to keep my reflection journal from now on. :-)
Fri 15 Sep 2017
Utsunomiya Sensei and Fumitomo arrived!
Sat 16 Sep 2017
Utsunomiya Sensei Seminar
Wish Utsunomiya Sensei have a safe trip home.
We will all remember Sensei's teaching and advice,
and keep practicing and training hard.
Looking forward to seeing you again!
Wed 20 September 2017
Learned the new word, Okori, and the concept from Utsunomiya Sensei during the weekend. It cleared my many confusions. Tried to practice it tonight. :-)
Sat 23 Sep 2017
Sat 23 Sep 2017
1. Thanks to Rex who had motorist-geiko and took a lot of photos for us.
2. Kihon-geiko is important for beginners and thanks to Senpai's contributions as motodachi. Senpai are encouraged to learn to be a better motodachi.
3. Thanks to everyone's input of energy and spirits that made yesterday training a great keiko! :-)
1. 感謝昨天有Rex可以在「見取練習」時幫忙拍照留念。
2. 基本練習很重要,元立的角色很重要,感恩前輩的付出;好的元立,需要好的劍道程度,希望道館裡的前輩,能用心提升自己擔任元立的程度。
3. 昨天下午,大家努力、認真的練習態度與精神,是大家可以有場美好稽古的重關鍵! 很棒! :-)
Wed 27 Sep 2017
1. Keiko on my 22nd wedding anniversary.
2. Selfie with a shaky hand shows the tough training tonight. 😉
3. Learning can be from anyone - copy the good points and avoid the bad points from other people.
4. Pay attention and put efforts to the points needed to be fixed, but not to worry about them.
1. 今晚碰巧是結婚 22 週年日。
2. 搖晃的自拍,顯示練習的份量還算足夠。
3. 我以外皆我師:見賢思齊焉,見不賢而內自省。
4. 對於該改正的缺點,要「注意」而不要「在意」,要努力去改,但是不要過於心急。
Sat 30 Sep 2017
Feel great to see many of you coming to Keiko today. Through Kendo and helping each other, we are working on improving our fitness, focus, resilience and toughness.
陽光明媚的週六下午,能和這樣一群學生、劍友,一起稽古 ,一起操體能、讓自己更專注、更有韌性、更有挫折容忍力 ,實在很幸福。