


For Colin, Rob and anyone who is interested in this conversation in Mandarine between me and some students in June 2015.

The conversation started from one student asked me whether he was well-prepared for the "ippon" at the end of our ji-geiko.

My main point was to emphasise that we need to have more "engagement" or"ai-ki" (synchronisation) in ji-geoko. These are nothing new but all based on the teaching from Sensei such as Inoue Hanshi, Morioka Sensei and my sensei in Taiwan long time ago.

In my attempt of trying to explain this idea, I used some personal experience such as "locked by Sensei and seeing how Sensei kills me", one Ted Talk I shared with them before, and lastly, a common Korean drama theme presenting romantic relationship.

I will try to translate (or sometimes just a summary because of repeating words) the conversation below. If there is any thing that can help my English writing or expression, please kindly let me know. (Thank you in advance.)           

* * * 

Ask: Was I not well-prepared for that ippon?

答:可能你沒有跟我一起互動,不過也是有啦!重點是,你們跟每個人在對打時,都要有那份「感覺」(kimochi,気持ち),不然很快就做完了。慢慢地,培養那個感覺,讓對手「上鉤」(hook),我想打你 ... 又覺得打不到 ...

Sam: I felt you might not interact with me, or probably you did. However, the point is whoever our opponent is, we all need to have "that feeling - kimochi". Otherwise, we will quickly finish the job only. We should take it slowly, let the feeling grows, hook your opponent ... feeling that I want to strike now ... but also hesitate whether I can make it or not ... ...  

Ask: But I worried that at tat moment, you would just seme-in and "kill me"!


Sam: Right! for now, you might feel I am I am stronger than you, so your strategy or psychology might be just aiming "not been struck". 

問:沒有錯,我就是覺得,我如果跟你做太多「seme 的動作」,就會不知不覺受你牽引,就像我們最後那隻一本,我覺得,就是我「seme 做太多了」,所以最後就被你打去了,所以我才會改成,在我覺得我「seme 差不多了」的時候,我就想出手了!

Ask: True, I thought, if I did "too much seme" with you, I would gradually lose myself and be hooked by you. Just like our ippon today. It was the perfect example. So, now, my strategy became when I felt "my seme is about enough", I would strike.  


Sam: Great! so now my question is: if I score on you, what lost would you have?  

Ask: None!


Sam: Would you learn something from there?

問:就覺得自己的「seme 不夠強」。
Ask: I would feel that "my seme is not strong enough". 


Sam: Well, if you just randomly struck on me and made me cannot score on you, what else would you learn? 

問:(無語 ...)
Ask: ... ... (no word replied) 

However, another student joked that "sensei cannot hit me". (that made everyone laugh.)

答:你們記得我以前分享過一段 Ted Talk,內容大意是問:我們想要怎樣的人生?是想要「發光發熱」,還是「差不多就好」?

Sam: Remember a Ted Talk that I shared with you before. It talks about what we really want from our life. Whether we want live fully with passion, or we just want to have a "so-so" life?

問:可是,我也沒有在亂打 ... ...
Ask: But, I did not strike randomly ... ...

答:對 ... 我不是說你在亂打 ... ... 我該怎麼比喻比較好?你沒有亂打,我們沒有在「亂打」,我們都很努力在對打,但是,我希望在我們的對打之中,可以多一點「engage」(中文或可說是「決戰」的感覺)。

Sam: Agree ... I am not judging that you did not pay attention and strike randomly ... how can I express myself better? 

Well, you did not strike randomly, we did not strike randomly, we were all fighting with focus and fighting hard. However, I hope that we can more "serious engagement" in our keiko. 

問:如果純以「seme 攻」而論,雖然我也很佩服那種高手之間,單純以 seme 就能決勝負,但是我覺得自己的程度不夠,「seme 做太多」的話,自己反而會被克制住。
Ask: Regarding "SEME". Although I also admire those high level Kendoka who can only apply seme to defeat their opponents, I don't think my level is that high yet. On the contrary, when I apply "too much seme", I would just make meslef lost and lose the game.    

答:我回憶,以前,我和先生對打的時候,我會覺得『誒,先生現在把我 lock 住了』,『我被 lock 住』,然後,我就看著他打死我。那感覺其實很好!

Sam: I remember, when I was younger, when I had keiko with my sensei, I often could feel that "I was locked by sensei", sensei froze me and made me clearly witness "how he killed me". This is actually a great feeling!

所幸,現在能鎖住我的人愈來愈少了 ... ...

How could I be locked?  (Ask: yes, it is this feeling!)
How could I be frozen???
Fortunately, less and less people can "lock" me now ... ... 

不過,還是有很多人可以鎖住我,譬如遇到六、七、八那種高段先生,他們還是能把我鎖住,就在那一瞬間,我就是「動彈不得」,然後就被打死。而我一直在體會那一瞬間 ... ... 這已經不是成敗的問題了,我們常說的「不以成敗論英雄」就是這個道理,你有否學到什麼東西才是重點。

However, there are still many people can lock me. For example, you have seen when some 6th, 7th or 8th Dan Sensei visited us, they can lock me (freeze me) and the get the ippon against me. I actually appreciate that "frozen moment" very much ... ... 

It is not a matter about who wins or who loses. In Mandarin, we have a saying that "a person should not be deemed a hero merely on the basis of the success or failure of his endeavours" and this is what that means. Whether you have learned something from that ippon is the main point. 

即使我覺得我已經「快要死了」,我還是要繼續 seme 下去嗎?
Ask: So, do you mean that I need to enjoy the "dying moment"? (Everyone was laughing.) Do I need to continue seme, even when I feel I am going to be killed soon?


Sam: Yes and no, while we need to enjoy that "dying moment", we still need to "strive to survive". But this doesn't mean we are afraid of death. Shadow is a companion light. We cannot just want to enjoy the "sweet" but not the ”bitter" tastes. The taste of bitter will help us appreciate/understand the taste of sweet more. Agree? Otherwise, if you have never had the "been frozen" experience, how you could learn how to freeze others?  

Ask: Yes, at the last moment, I just felt I could not raise my shinai, then "BENG!" ...  

答:就我而言,那就是我想練習與追求的「美好瞬間」!在抓那個感覺,至於其它那些亂七八糟的打擊,不論是打到或被打到,並不是那麼重要 ... ...

Sam: To me, that was the "beautiful moment" I hope to pursuit in keiko! I hope to catch that feeling. Comparing with that feeling, whether I am struck by the opponent becomes a minor issue.  

Ask: Do you mean if I strike before the opportunity matures, it will impede your training? 


Sam: I don't mean you need to consider only my training but OUR training. We all need to try to pursuit that feeling: is it now the timing to strike? 


However, you don't need to worry too much. Just have some reflection after each strike (zanshi might be a good time for this reflection). If you think you strike "too early" and miss out the opportunity, then try to have "more tame" next time. If you think you strike "too late" this time, then try to strike earlier next time. This is "keiko"!


Is there any consequence of been struck or not? Would you get a trophy? Would someone keep the record? There was even no one videoing it, right? Next week, I won't remember who hit me or I hit whom today! Will you remember that? We will all forget these, won't we?

(The photo bombing student said: I will remember that I hit Sensei! )

所以在那個當下,我們就是要去抓那個感覺,去感覺對手是面要來,還是小手要來,我該怎麼辦?去抓那個感覺,然後出手,有打到,很好,沒打到,再來,就和打遊戲(game)那個「過關」的感覺一樣!沒過關,就 reset,回到中段,一二一二,再來一次!每次都一樣!

Therefore, during keiko, we all need to pursuit that feeling, trying to feel whether it is Men or Kote coming, and what I should do to deal with that. Try to get that feeling (ai-ki) and then strike! If you could successfully hit, that is great. If you could not hit successfully, then try to have a better one next time. Just like video-gaming, if you can pass to next level, enjoy the moment and welcome the new challenge. If you cannot pass to next level this time, reset the game, back to kamae, one-two, one-two, and try it again. Every keiko is the same!

可是,如果你沒有去 look for(追求)那個瞬間的話,「那個瞬間」永遠不會發生!

However, you don't try to look for that moment, that moment will never come! 


Just like if you married to a girl randomly met in street, then you will never understand what "true love" means! You need to "lost love" (hammering my heart) or "been dumped" (hammering my heart again), and then finally find the true love, do you understand me?

也未必會這麼悲慘啦!你可能一出手就打到了(一出門就遇到真愛)!我想說的意思是說:我們都要去追求那個瞬間(look for that moment)!

However, the story might not be all that miserable. You might get the Ippon in you first attempt (meet the true love when you just open the door)! My main point is that we all need to look for that moment


Just like the romance in the Korean Drama, before the relationship is settled, during the ambiguous and indefinite stage, there are a lot of hesitation, mistakes, true or false, right? And the drama can easily play for 16 episodes!  

問:不是用麻布袋一套就解決了 ... ...
Ask: So, we cannot randomly kidnap a girl ... ...  

答:你怎知道那位就是你的「真愛」?就是在那個推拉之間、 有來有往,嘗過各種滋味,這個人是否可信任?我是否喜歡他/她,誤會與冰釋等等。我們的劍道也是一樣,你要去體會那個感覺!

Sam: How do we know s/he is our "true love"? It is the process of "pushing and pulling", "coming and going", all sorts of the tastes ... Is s/he the person who I can trust? Do I really like him or her? Misunderstanding and vanishing that, etceteras. Our Kendo is the same. You need to experience that feeling!    

剛剛說的是「互動」的部分,我相信我們打劍打了這麼久,自己有什麼缺點應該都很清楚吧?右手太多、左手太少等等,所以,我們在打基本動作的時候,要把注意力放在自己的身上,努力去修正自己的動作 ... ...

We were talking about the "interaction". However, after training in Kendo for such a long time, I believe that we all know our own bad habits quite well such as too much right hand or too little left hand etc. So, it is important that you need focus on your own movement when we are doing Kihon keiko (uchikomi-geiko), trying your best to improve your won movement or posture ... ... 

14 June 2016




憑空消失的日子:儒略曆 - 格里曆

頒行格里曆的1582 年十月:消失的十天 日不落國的 1752 年九月:消失的十一天 在我知道英文的名字大多是以「音譯」的方式進行之後,把「Mary」譯成「瑪麗」或「瑪莉」很容易理解,但是, 為什麼「John」會被譯成「約翰」呢? 今天,碰到一個更有趣的譯名:「Julian calendar」是「儒略曆」! 好奇之餘,上網搜尋了一下,意外地增廣了見聞:  由於「0.002%」的誤差: 儒略曆每年 365.25日 與 格里曆每年 365.2425 日。 在曆法的改革上, 每個國家、地區,因採行新曆的時間不同, 各自在月曆上「抹去」的日子,也從 10 到 13 天不等。 這樣「憑空消失」的日子,什麼時候會再來呢? 《科學發展,2015年4月,508期》 * * *  底下文字,節錄轉貼(並稍稍改寫)自維基百科: 儒略 (拉丁 文 : Gens Iulia  或  Iulii ),一譯 「 尤利烏斯」 ,是古 羅馬 的一个 貴 族氏族, 現今 也被用作該氏族成 員「 儒略・凱撒 」(或: 尤利烏斯・凱撒 )的代名 詞 。這個氏族成 員 在 羅馬 共和 國 早期享有尊 貴 地位,第一位成 為羅馬執政官 的是公元前 489 年的 Gaius Julius Iulus ,但最 為 人熟知的是儒略·凱撒 。 應該注意的是,中國大陸現在通常將此人譯作 「 尤利烏斯·凱撒」 , 但在天文學上仍沿用「儒略曆」一詞,而不是「尤利烏斯曆」。 * * *  儒略曆 (Julian calendar),是 格里曆 (Gregorian calendar) 的前身,由羅馬共和國獨裁官 儒略・凱撒 (Julius Caesar,後稱「凱撒大帝」) 採納埃及亞歷山大的希臘數學家兼天文學家索西琴尼( Sosigenes of Alexandria )計算的曆法,在公元前 45 年 1 月 1 日起執行,取代舊羅馬曆曆法的一種曆法。一年設 12 個月,大小月交替,四年一閏,平年 365 日,閏年於二月底增加一閏日,年平均長度為  365.25  日。 由於累積誤差隨著時間越來越大, 1582 年後被...


紐西蘭的學校分三級,於台灣相似,但在年級的安排上有些差異。 台灣是小學六年、國中三年、高中三年,共十二年國民教育。 紐西蘭則是小學六年、初中二年、 高中五年 ,共十三年的國民教育。 有趣的是,紐西蘭是五歲入小學,早台灣一年,因此,大家受完國民教育的年紀是一樣的。只不過,台灣的學年是從九月開始,而紐西蘭是從二月開始,所以,中間會有半年的差別。 用英文來說,紐西蘭小學是 Primary School,初中是 Intermediate School,高中是 High School。這不同於在台灣我們習慣以「美式」的 Junior High School 來稱呼國中,Senior High School 來稱呼高中。 用數學來總結一下紐西蘭學制:Primary 是 Year 1-6,Intermediate 是 Year 7-8,High School 則是 Year 9-13。 這裡還有一個重要小細節,在紐西蘭高中的前兩年(Year 9 與 Year 10)是 Junior High,後三年(Year 11、12、13)則是 Senior High。 * * * * * Sam Tsai 蔡坤憲: 紐西蘭中小學的學期簡介 : 很多好友希望多了解一些紐西蘭教育的相關議題,希望我能做一些介紹,思來想去,決定從最簡單的「學制」、「上下學時間」、「功課表」與「放假」的制度開始。 紐西蘭的學校分三級,於台灣相似,但在年級的安排上有些差異。 台灣是小學六年、國中三年、高中三年,共十二年國民教育。 紐西...


劍道之美、始於著裝 文章日期:2007-09-25 23:21 劍道之美、始於著裝 ~ 延續「初任裁判」的心得分享。 在 Waikato 道館裡,除了安排有正式的護具穿戴教學之外,每一次戴上面部,開始對打之前,我們都會稍加檢視一下學生們穿戴護具的情形,幾個檢視的重點,供大家參考: 1. 水平的蝴蝶結 :道服上衣前端的蝴蝶結、胴部後方的蝴蝶結、面部的蝴蝶結,這三個節的園圈大小,與剩下的繩長,應該約略相等,而且需成水平方向。(當然還有大家已經熟知的面紐長度需短於40 公分。這是基於安全性的考量。) 繩結需成「水平」方向, 有一個科學的解釋 ,以及一個文化上的意義。科學解釋是,垂直方向的蝴蝶結,因為劍道練習過程中的移動,重力會輕扯那兩段直線的部份,使得蝴蝶繩較易鬆脫,因而影響練習的流暢與時間。 在文化意義上 ,據井上老師解釋,日本和服上的繩飾,生人的穿著是呈水平方向,而死後入殮時所穿著的和服繩結,則呈垂直狀。因而,在武士的著裝上,垂直方向的蝴蝶結,比較「不吉利」。 2. 背後的道服,是否「平整」 。穿道服與穿襯衫很像,在綁劍袴(hakama)之前,就應先把道服的前後部份拉平,再開始綁的動作。 不知大家是否知道,穿劍袴時,應該先把左腳穿進去,再穿右腳?為什麼?理由是:習俗(convention)。當然,這點沒有硬性規性。不過,習慣上,先穿進的那隻腳,在脫劍袴時,則是比較後脫出來。 3. 頭巾穿戴後,應注意「收尾」。 在戴上頭巾、綁緊之後,如果還剩下一部份,在戴上面部之後,會多出一塊三角形的「尾巴」,這樣,在練習的過程中,便會飄來飄去,並不雅觀。 解決之道,是在綁完頭巾之後,把那塊多出來的三角形,再往內多折一折,如此,不僅不會有那條多餘的尾巴,而且,在頭頂的上方,也多墊了一層布,對「吸震」的效果,不無小補。 4. 面紐應該「平順」。 面紐在綁完之後,應該再用手指去檢查一下,面紐是否平順地貼在布糰上方。 若否,則應該稍加調整。 5. 手部(kote)的繩索 不應該過長而下垂。 6. 破損的護具應該盡快修理。 這不僅是為了美觀,更有安全性上的考量。  * 當然,我完全同意,這麼樣「龜毛」、「認真」地穿戴道服、護具,與比賽勝負不特別有關係。但是,放眼望去,一些比較資深,也打得比較好劍友,他們穿戴護...


2009年,懷卡托劍道協會升段審查 認識我的好友,大概都知道,在 1998 年時, Marleen 與我機緣湊巧移居紐西蘭的漢彌爾頓市(Hamilton),成了方圓百里之內,「唯二」會打劍的兩個人。隔年,因緣成熟,成立了 懷卡托劍道館 ,開始肩負起「 劍道指導者 」的重任。 自己打劍道,跟教別人打劍道,是完全不同的兩件事! 記得在道館成立約半年左右, 徐恆雄教練率領了二十多位師兄弟,到紐西蘭來看我們 ,在教練返國之後約一年,換我回台灣。在前去拜訪教練的時候,教練問我的第一句就是:「說吧!你哪裡不會教?」 我不禁大笑出來,回答他:「 教練真是『內行人』! 」 在劍技的教學之外,如何幫學生通過升段考試(昇段審查)是我碰到的第一個問題。大家或許可以想見,當我們「從一二一二開始」教出來的學生,第一次升上初段時,我們心中的那份成就感,實在是相當美好。曾經,我記得每個升段的學生,也曾在雅虎奇摩部落格中寫下我們道館「 十七段 」的故事。 底下我希望分享的是這些年的教學經驗、參與紐西蘭劍道協會的昇段審查(從六級到四、五段)經驗,以及向幾位熟識的日本先生請益,而逐漸摸索出一套「說法」,主要是針對我們道館裡的初學者,幫助他們在劍道的旅途中,有個方向感,類似「旅遊手冊」或「觀光指引」的功能。 若在此分享之後,也對劍友有幫助,自然是功德無量! 簡單來說: 初學者在「級 Kyu」的階段 ,主要的學習目標是,在肢體上能夠做出「氣劍體一致」的正確打擊動作。具體來說,當元立(motodachi)提供打擊目標,初學者的打擊動作愈「協調」時,所獲得的級數便愈高。按這個標準而言,「一級」的初學者,就是可以做出氣劍體一致的人。 2016年懷卡托劍道協會昇段審查,初學組(三級以下) 升段考試的基本項目,由淺而深包括:中段構形、腳步、擺振(面、胴、手、上下擺振、斜擺振、快速擺振等),打擊的部分,在有元立的條件下,能夠打出基本的「五本招式」:面、手、胴、手-面與手- 胴。 以上這些也就是我們在新生班的教學重點。 2016年懷卡托劍道協會昇段審查,初學組(三級以上,含三級) * 「初段」的標準是,兩位「一級」的劍士,在為時約一至二分鐘的「地稽古」時間內,可以打出「有效打擊」。 與一級的差別是:「一級」時,是有元立會讓出...


很多好友希望多了解一些紐西蘭教育的相關議題,希望我能做一些介紹,思來想去,決定從最簡單的「學制」、「上下學時間」、「功課表」與「放假」的制度開始。 紐西蘭的學校分三級,於台灣相似,但在年級的安排上有些差異。 台灣是小學六年、國中三年、高中三年,共十二年國民教育。 紐西蘭則是小學六年、初中二年、高中五年,共十三年的國民教育。 有趣的是,紐西蘭是五歲入小學,早台灣一年,因此,大家受完國民教育的年紀是一樣的。只不過,台灣的學年是從九月開始,而紐西蘭是從二月開始,所以,中間會有半年的差別。 用英文來說,紐西蘭小學是 Primary School,初中是 Intermediate School,高中是 High School。這不同於在台灣我們習慣以「美式」的 Junior High School 來稱呼國中,Senior High School 來稱呼高中。 用數學來總結一下紐西蘭學制:Primary 是 Year 1-6,Intermediate 是 Year 7-8,High School 則是 Year 9-13。 這裡還有一個重要小細節,在紐西蘭高中的前兩年(Year 9 與 Year 10)是 Junior High,後三年(Year 11、12、13)則是 Senior High。 在中學的這後三年,學生得參加簡稱為 NCEA 的國家級考試,及格者,才算「高中畢業」。(NCEA 相當複雜,容我稍後再專文分享) * 一般說來,紐西蘭的中小學是從早上九點開始上課,下午三點左右放學。 我女兒的小學,要求小孩在八點半到九點之間到校,九點整開始第一堂課,三點整放學。第一堂下課時間(稱作 interval)是 10.40 到 11.00 的早茶時間,午餐是 12.30 到 1.30,有三十分鐘。因此,一天只有「三節課」,一節約一個半小時:早上有二大節,下午有一大節。 目前她就讀的中學,要求學生在 8.45 以前要到校,下午 3.15放學。 而我目前服務的學校,老師在 8.30 開始晨會,8.50 開始導生班,學生須在此時進教室點名。   第一堂課從 9.05 開始,10.05下課   10.05 開始第二堂課,11.05 下課   11.05 到 11.30 是下課時間(稱為 interval),   ...